MEATLONN™ Regular (V type)

Best for cooked and smoked sausages such as bologna, mortadella, cooked salami, dry sausages.

MEATLONNTM V type is a regular type of fibrous casing for cooked and smoked sausages which do not require special peeling or adhesion feature of casings for the encased products throughout the process.

USPs & Benefits

  • Best for cooked and smoked sausage

  • Regular peeling type

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Futamura Chemical Co, Ltd.

2-29-16, Meieki,


Nagoya, Aichi,

450-0002, Japan

Tel: +81 52 562 1841


Futamura Chemical UK Ltd.

Station Road,


Cumbria CA7 9BG,

United Kingdom

Tel: +44 (0)1697 341212


Futamura USA, Inc.

6000 SE 2nd Street

Tecumseh, KS 66542,

United States of America

Tel: +1 770 818 3012